Kleine Augen
benötigen Sorgfalt...
Die Augenheilkunde bei den Kindern
As the result of negligence due to lack of information regarding eye diseases, our children may suffer eye-related disorders in their older ages that may become more and more difficult to treat. A great deal of major eye diseases develops in early ages. However, successful results may be obtained by early diagnosis and proper treatment.
In order to protect the eyes of children aged 0-16 YEARS OLD
Children should undergo eye examinations
- first time, at the age of 1; then
- before starting to elementary school; and
- regularly all through their education.
However in the occurrenceof the following symptoms, an eye physician (Pediatric Ophthalmologist) specialized in children's eye diseases should be visited without delay.
- Squinting or closing one eye
- White or cloudy color in the pupil which should appear black
- Bringing objects close to the eyes
- Looking with the head inclined either side
- Constantly rubbing eyes
- One or two crossing eyes, either inwards or otherwise
- Premature birth
- Family history of lazy eye
- Family history of visual impairments
Treatment Options
Treatment Processes For Children's Eye Diseases
Loss of vision in one eye or both eyes, diseases causing loss of vision, and strabismus may be diagnosed early by regular examinations.
Undergoing the first eye examination at the age of 1 is of vital importance.
- Droopy eyelid and involuntary eye movements, namely Nystagmus, may also be diagnosed early and treated in the childhood.
- Diagnosis of eye diseases such as cataract, high eye pressure and retinal problems in childhood will prevent irreversible loss of vision. Cataract or disorders in the retina result in permanent loss of vision within 2 to 3 months and afterwards nystagmus which may not be treated life-long.
- Eye examinations between 6 months and 1 year of age is highly significant, especially for the diagnosis and treatment of strabismus. Misalignments continuing after 6 months certainly require treatment. During this period, false appearance of crossed eyes may be seen as a result of undeveloped nasal root.
Specific Diagnosis and Treatment Floors for Children
Children are taken care in treatment centers appropriately designed to protect and cure their eyes.
Anesthesia and Sterilization for Children
FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved technology and materials are used for monitoring and treatment of children's eye diseases. In case anesthesia is required, anesthesia is performed by the physicians specialized on children's anesthesia. Sterile surgeries are performed on operation tables which are also designed for children and by using disposable medical materials.