Special laser treatments for each type of eye...
Two things to leave behind in your Holiday...
Sweet Memories and your glasses
Special laser treatments for each type of eye...
Net eye-sight is possible...
Knife-free cataract treatment by Femtosecond laser… - GLOKOM
Early diagnosis is of importance…
Glocoma which is known as high eye pressure necessitates regular eye examination… - RETİNA
Affects your eye-sight... Sudden loss of vision...
Photopsy... Refraction of the images...
Narrowing eye-sight... Flying mosquitoes... - GÖZ ESTETİĞİ
Visible difference...
Solutions at your choice for botox, under eye bags, wrinkles and all treatments for eye aesthetic… - ÇOCUK GÖZ
Most of important eye diseases start to develop at early ages.
Early diagnosis and proper treatment may result in successful results.
General Eye Examination
Among our five sense organs, eyes are the first and most important organ activating our learning and perception skills, letting us to see the entire beauty of the world and to hold on to life. Having our eyes examined regularly is of vital importance so as to be able to live a healthy and happy life. For early detection of any risks, experts recommend eye-examination once a year, even there is no problem related with the eyes. For the kids, eye examinations should be repeated every six months, or may be more frequently, if there is an eye disorder.
It should be borne in mind that a number of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and brain tumors may be detected in the course of eye examinations.